Annual Assessment

The annual assessment statement was mailed to all property owners in early December. The due date for assessment payment is January 1. Payments received after 5pm on January 31 will incur a late fee.
  • Lock Box: In order to streamline the payment application process, AMG uses a lock box system for processing payments that are mailed. Your check should be made payable to Mystic Shores Property Owners Association and mailed to the address below:
    Mystic Shores POA
    c/o AMG
    P.O. Box 96925
    Las Vegas, NV. 89193-6925
  • Bank Bill Payment: Alamo recommends you use your bank's bill payment service and have your payment mailed automatically at its scheduled time directly from your bank to the lock box. If you currently have your payment set up this way, please confirm that the mailing address is the lock box address identified above.
  • Online: Online payments can be made through the AMG Homeowner Portal. Instructions can be found here. You will need to use your account ID #. This will be available on your statement or by contacting our community manager at
  • In person: Payments can be hand-delivered to the community manager Monday - Friday from 9am-4pm at the community center. Outside of those hours, payments may be dropped in the box outside the office door. Note that cash payments cannot be accepted.
Payment Plans: If you are unable to submit payment in full, please contact our community manager at